Wednesday, October 29, 2008



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Contact Vision for Homeless & Stephen Mweu

Vision for Homeless Program

Stephen Mweu c/o Morris Chule Musangi

P. O. Box : 433

CODE : 00518



Telephone +254 568878



The Kenya Collection

The homeless children, youth, men, and women who participate in the Vision for HOMELESS Program receive art instruction and training by me. This program provides participants with skills that can be used to create an income and employment. The program participants create many varieties of artwork, including paintings, drawings, beadwork, hand-carved items, knit items, and woven items. Because all items are hand-crafted, no two items are alike.

We invite you to browse The Kenya Collection by clicking on the links to the right. I know you'll find many beautiful works of art there. All the artwork produced abides by Fair Labor and Fair Trade principles. If you would like to discuss any of the artwork you see or if you have any special requests, please contact me.

Adult Vision for Homeless Program

Adult Vision for Homeless Program

i also teaches art to homeless women and men so that they, too, can produce works of art to sell at the local market. This provides the adults with a valuable skill and a source of income and employment. i currently works with 3 adults. The adults are not typically provided shelter and food, except those adults that are elderly and unable to work to support themselves. The beautiful artwork of the adults can also be seen on this website.

All artwork produced through this program follows Fair Labor and Fair Trade priniples. If you would like to discuss the program or artwork, please contact me.

Copyright 2007 Jack Qiao